"In New Family Constellations (as Hellinger referred to his latest approach, exemplified by Spirit constellations or medial constellations), the quantum healing method par excellence, the facilitator relies fully on the knowing field and its will. The facilitator is aware that it is another force who slowly leads the movements of representatives and decides at all times what the next movement shall be and the outcome. Thus, the facilitator, in a state of total surrender, puts herself in the hands of her guide, her connection with something greater, acting from the void that shows her the way, step by step. Unlike the old style constellations, these are undertaken in a deep meditative state, in inner silence, with no psychodrama or intellectual analysis on the part of the facilitator or representatives; representatives are not placed in a specific location nor are they moved by the facilitator or guided by the facilitator’s or representative’s personal will. These constellations are powerful and deeply healing. They require a deep commitment with unconditional love, that primeval love that surrenders to everything as it is and everyone as they are, and which is expressed in gratitude to everything and everyone, for it is that love that has thought, and thinks, everything that is, into existence. To exist is to be loved." - Maria Escríbano del Moral
1st module December 5th to 8th, 2024
2nd module February 22th to 25th, 2024
This course was designed to explore the quantum dimension of Family Constellations, a field where the invisible becomes visible but also where you encounter the love that wants all beings to be free and happy.
In connection with this flow of love, the Quantum Self of the one who is being constellated is what will act to dissolve the morphic resonances that may be limiting some area of one life.
And for the Constellation to happen in accordance with these two elements: customer’s consciousness and flow of love, the constellators needs to develop a loving posture to release control and to trust, so that he himself enters this flow of love and stops leading to only accompany the constellation, because those who trust in the spiritual field, in the love of the spirit, as Bert Hellinger said, do not need to “be” and that is the basic premise for the quantum constellations.
Who is this course for?
For therapists who have at least followed a foundation course.
What are you going to learn?
- Deepening in the morphic fields
- Energetic fields
- Invisible connection
- The states of the ego and the Quantum Self
- Movement of the Soul and Movement of the Spirit according to Bert Hellinger
- Levels of consciousness
- Reflections on free will
- Reflections on amend the past through Family Constellation rites
- Perception and reality
- Practice in Quantum Constellations
Ambrosial Space
4,Airlie Place – Constantia – Cape Town
- Price (up to November 20th) 16200ZAR
- Early bird (payments until August 20th) 15600ZAR
- Recycling QT students pay 45% 7290ZAR
>> If you are interested, please fill out the form with your details to receive information: CLICK HERE.